2024 Industry Partner Registration and Sponsorships
Monday, October 28- Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Orange Beach, Alabama
Industry Partner Registration Fees:
$600 Includes registration and networking table **
$250 second person, same company/organization
$150 Spouse registration
Optional Activities:
Monday, 10.28.24
$25 | Pre-conference Workshop: 10:00 am – 11:30 am - Unlocking Creativity with CANVA!
Tuesday, 10.29.24
$60 | A Pair on Beach Chairs with Umbrella: Tuesday, 10.29.24 (12:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Tuesday, 10.29.24
Eco Art at The Learning Campus – Gulf State Park @ the Lodge. (Between 12:30 – 4:00)
In order to offer the following, there must be 10 participants. If all classes make, they will be staggered so you may participate in more than one. If registering more than one person, please note at the bottom with additional attendees.
$40 Oyster Shell Decoupage
$40 Sea Salt Bath Bombs
$40 Nature’s Terrarium
Show times:
Monday, October 28, 2024 4:45 pm- 6:45 pm Opening Reception with door prizes from each company with networking table**
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 7:45 am – 8:40 am with Continental Breakfast
(All Sponsorships and other Opportunities are in addition to the registrations listed above.)
Hocus Focus Sponsorships
(All Sponsorships and other Opportunities are in addition to the registrations listed above.)
Diamond Sponsorship: $2,400 (2 booths, 3 IPs)
Choose one:
SOLD Welcome Sponsor, includes that Welcome gift and Welcome Table in Pre-function area – Visit Oxford
SOLD National Keynote Speaker, Tuesday’s & Wednesday’s Legal Sessions General Session Breakout Sessions- Visit Meridian Introduce speaker after a 3-5 minute sponsor welcome at General Session and introduce speaker at breakout session, banner may be placed in front of room.
SOLD Wednesday’s Closing Breakfast Sponsor – Tupelo CVB
Ruby Sponsorship: $1,750 (1 booth, 2 IPs)
Choose one:
SOLD Bloody Mary/Mimosa Break (Monday) Visit Vicksburg
SOLD Monday Opening Lunch Sponsor Greater Birmingham/Ross Bridge Resort
SOLD Tuesday’s Pool Deck Hospitality tent, open to all from 12:30 – 4:00 pm Lake Terrace Convention Center
SOLD Closing Speaker, Deedre Daniel, Visit Mobile
Sapphire Sponsorship: $1,400 (One booth with 1 registration)
Choose from one of the following activities:
SOLD Trade Show Bar Sponsor Coastal Mississippi
SOLD Trade Show Reception Appetizers Sponsor Pearl River Resort
SOLD Tuesday Breakfast Sponsor Explore Ridgeland
Emerald Sponsorship: $800 (1/2 off Booth, includes 1 Registration)
____ Beach Chair Sponsor (received two complimentary beach chair sets to give to your customers Sponsor receives free chair)
____ Nature Center Sponsor (includes 4 tickets to each activity to give to your customers No charge for Sponsor participation.)
____ Casual Breaks in meeting rooms, all three days, Sponsor Banner placed by break area.
____ ASAE Public Policy Speaker, Jeff Evans
_____ Non-dues Revenue Speaker, Teri Caren
Amethyst Sponsorship: $450
____ Cash Prize Sponsor (4 available)
____ Turn Down Sponsor (Unlimited)
Printed Program Advertising:
_____ $225 Inside Front Cover _____ $225 Inside Back Cover _____$225 Back Cover
_____ $150 Full Page Color _____ $100 Half page Color
Register by October 15, 2024, to receive early bird registration rate.
All registrations received after October 18 will incur a $50 late fee. No Cancellation Refunds after, Friday, October 18, 2024.
Email awilson@msae-net.org or call the office at 601-707-7882 with any questions.
Please email info@msae-net.org to request an invoice. Please indicate if you want to pay by credit card or by check. Thank you.